Coolest dudes on the dock

We service all makes and models of boats. This includes I/O and outboards, to v-drive and jet drives, and from high-performance boats to fishing boats, and even pontoons. If it is a boat in need of repair or service, it’s our type of boat.

honesty, INTEGRITY, and transparency

We are looking forward to a bright future here in Havasu with our unique management philosophy that we call “H.I.T.”. That stands for Honesty, Integrity, and Transparency. It is how we not only conduct our business but also our lives. We are never beyond our customer’s reach. We are here not to just gain customers but to also form relationships within the community we live in. 

Our customers receive periodic updates on the status of their boats as they are being serviced, keeping the line of communication open between customers and our team. We want each customer to know the team here at Iguana Marine will do what we say we will do. Our goal, as professionals, is to make sure that customers are completely satisfied. If for any reason, we have fallen short of this goal, we encourage you to reach out to us so that we can make things right.

Experienced & Insured

We are experienced in many things within the realm of badassery, but right now we need to touch base on our marine mechanical experience. We all have years upon years of experience so you can relax knowing we’ve got it handled. We pay attention to detail mainly because it keeps us from screwing up. Even still, it’s better to be safe than sorry. That being said, we are fully insured so if we do screw up (which, c’mon, you know we won’t), everything is covered and will be handled quickly with no bull to be dealt with. Things do happen, and we’re the kind of dudes that  can accept fault when it’s rightfully ours. 

Visit Us

Swing by the shop any time! We love meeting our community and we’ll never turn down a good chat. If you bring lunch we might even give you a discount on your next service. No promises, but who doesn’t love tacos?



1525 Industrial Blvd
Lake Havasu City, AZ



(928) 733-5200


Open Hours

Mon-Fri: 8am - 5pm
Saturday by Appointment Only

Sunday: Closed



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